In globalization era, Indonesia needs human resources whose abilities for doing tasks according to work area especially in animal husbandry. The society need to improve the mastering of science and technology in animal husbandry, including its application.
Master Educational Program (S2) of Animal Husbandry is the only Master’s degree program of higher education in Bali Province, established in 2002 and approved by Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia. As the educational institution established by virtue of Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 1337/D/T/2002, dated 5 July 2002, it has received student enrollment every year. This program was developed by Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Udayana University that can give opportunity, especially for the graduates of animal husbandry in undergraduate program to continue their study in Animal Husbandry Technology to master level (S2), to solve husbandry management problems as well as to be able to conduct deeper research and analysis.
Udayana University is one of institutions that give its contributions to develop knowledge of society living in Eastern Indonesia. Besides, it also has Linguistic Program, Cultural Studies Program, Ergonomics and Work Physiology, Jurisprudence, Economics and Envir dan Environmental Science.
The implementation of education in Master Program of Animal Husbandry is concentrated on environmental-friendly Animal Husbandry, so environment is the umbrella and developmental pattern of Animal Husbandry in the future. This environmental concentration is expected to give opportunity of application which is more positive to society.
The implementation of the study program study aims at: 1) helping the government in improving population and quality of the livestock, 2) accelerating the increase of food industry from livestock products, 3) develop and increase the quality of products of livestock which are exported, and 4) increase the number of experts in animal husbandry in Eastern Indonesia.
Study Program of Animal Husbandry prepares students to conduct research on Balinese Cow to grow faster with good efficiency, and to produce more high quality meat. Many more species of local livestock in Bali can be taken as topic of Thesis in Animal Husbandry Master Program.
The duration of study in this program is 2 years (4 Semester) and the maximum drop out is 5 years (10 Semesters). The students who are accepted in this program are all staffs of Faculty of Animal Husbnadry who have not got maste’'s degree, and from department in Animal Husbandry as well as the graduates of animal husbandry undergraduate program.
Animal Husbandry Master Study Program with concentration of environmental friendly animal husbandry was found due to all the staffs of Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Udayana University are obliged to participate in national development through human resources improvement. With regard to that matter, this Program has vision to be the implementer of excellent education in developing science and technology to produce human resources whose competitive advantage in local, national and International level, certainly in Animal Husbandry field.
Based on the visions of Unud and Graduate Program of Unud, the vision of Master Program of Animal Husbandry Unud is:
“to become the implementer of excellent education in developing Tridarma (three commitment) of Higher Education with good quality according to development and cultural oriented in Animal Husbandry field which is based on local source.”
The formulation of vision is meaningful and it can be explained from the keyword as follows:
- Excellent means that Animal Husbandry Study Program of Unud produces human resources who high competitive advantage in regional, national or international level. This vision also describes the expectation that the Master Program of Animal Husbandry is excellent in implementing Tridarma (three commitments) of higher education especially education.
- Culture means that the human resource produced are able to uphold honesty and academic truth values and have high sensitivity toward local culture values and tradition in order to support sustainable development. The Animal Husbandry Master Study Program is expected to produce intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence and spiritual intelligence.
- Local sources means human resources produced can utilize local sources existing in conducting research, and community service by implementing the results of research obtained so that it can improve knowledge and society’s standard of living. t Therefore, Animal Husbandry Study Program is expected to be able to produce alumnae who are able to utilize local sources resulting added value and competitive advantage in Animal Husbandry field.
As the implementer of high quality academic education in Animal Husbandry field in order to support the availability of human resources with S2 master’s degree in Animal Husbandry concentrated on environmental-friendly animal husbandry. Besides, this program also holds research activity and dedication in society which support activity of academic educational development professionally to produce Science and technology sustainably relying on current development.
The mission of Animal Husbandry Study Program has some missions as follows:
- to achieve Animal Husbandry Master Study Program which is excellent and responsible in developing most up-to-date Animal Husbandry.
- to achieve Animal Husbandry Study Program as the study program which has competitive advantage, either in local, national and international level and to be adaptive and responsive toward change and development.
- to achieve /to make the Animal Husbandry Master Study Program as the reliable study program in improving Indonesian human resources with high quality master’s degree in animal husbandry field, who are professional, independent, responsible and sturdy who relies on national cultural values.
- to make Animal Husbandry Master Study Program as the study program who are able to hold research activity and dedication to society in good quality and be programmed in order to support and improve the development of academic education in good quality and professional.

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 196905291994032001
Nama Pejabat : Dr. Dewi Ayu Warmadewi, S.Pt., M.Si
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 196202221986031001
Nama Pejabat : Dr. Ir. I Made Nuriyasa, MS
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana, Lt. II, Jln. PB. Sudirman, Denpasar- Bali.
Telephone : 0361 - 3650697, 0361 - 223797
Email : s2ilmupeternakan@unud.ac.id
Website : s2ilmupeternakan.unud.ac.id